
Shellshock Bash Bug

The Bash bug or the Shellshock bug has recently appeared in the press as the latest threat to computer security (remember the Heartbleed bug!)  This is the article from the New York Times.
Apple reports that it’s desktop products are safe from this bug (unless you have changed some very advanced settings which the vast majority of people do not do. These settings are mostly for developers.)  Apple Servers are not safe.  It is important that your Mac be password protected.
Windows users, for once,  are not vulnerable because Windows is not built on Unix.
These types of problems are not going to go away.  Protecting your computer and managing your passwords will continue to be required to protect your identity and your data.

The Heartbleed Bug – Change all Your Passwords

Folks:  A huge security flaw was uncovered on the internet in recent days.  It is called the Heartbleed bug and it affects almost every signal site on the web where you are asked for a password to login.  Most major sites like Google, Amazon and Paypal,  have fixed the problem.  What this means is that your passwords have probably been compromised.  I know it is a huge pain but you must change all of your passwords.  You can read about the problem here, or just google the word ‘heartbleed’ and you will be inundated with information about it.

There is also this web site, which will test other sites to see if they have fixed the flaw.

Update Apple Software – Now!


Apple has released an update to their OS X operating system for Macs and to iOS for iPhones and iPads.  These updates fix a serious security flaw that opens the door for your devices and your personal data to be compromised.  You should update everything now.  You can read about the security problem here.

On your Mac, click the Apple icon on the left of your menu bar and select Software Updates.

On your iPhone or iPad, go to the Settings app, select General and Software Updates.